Monday, April 2, 2007

A New Blog...For Two

Hi, it's James.
Well I was doing some thinking the other day and thought that it has been getting hard to find things to post about on my blog. The problem is Jacqui and I do a lot of things together as a couple but as soon as one of us posts it on our own blog then the other person doesn't really need to post it again. Why waste the time right? So I was thinking that we needed a blog for the two of us.

A blog for the 2 of us hmm? Well it seems like a good idea. I know that I'm not going to write on my own blog anymore but together we'll post what is going on in our lives here. I can't speak for Jacqui as her blog is so cool she might not want to leave it. (Jacqui is cool, it says so on her blog so it MUST be true!)

So expect posts from the two of us on here. Now instead of checking two blogs and seeing that we're not updating it, you only have to check one...what a deal!


1 comment:

Jane said...

woohoo! New Blog'd! you're on my RSS feed now!!!