It has been a busy week. Something has been going on every day. Lets see how it looks when it is all written out.
Monday April 2nd
Jacqui was sick at home in bed and I took care of her. We got our Wii set up and discovered that the living room needed to be moved around. So that is what I did. A picture to follow on how the room changed.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday went by in a blur of work and cleaning the house and playing the Wii. We rented some games and played those for a bit. Lots of fun but I wouldn't buy SSX Blur or Super Monkey Ball after playing them.
Good Friday had Zack and Lindsay over for a visit where we got to catch up and play on the Wii. ( have you noticed a theme this week?)
Saturday we took a Easter basket to Saint Peter and Pauls Chruch to get the food blessed for Easter Breakfast. It wasn't as enjoyable as last year as it was only 10 minutes long and there was no good singing like before. I'll have to wait another year before I can try to sing that.
Saturday Night saw a phone call from Mark. We were quite surprised. Zack, Lindsay, Mark and Myself went out Bowling (Jacqui Watched) and we had a good time just doing a little catching up. Mark has himself a girlfriend of a week (let's hope it works out)
Easter Sunday was a morning of blessed Breakfast with Jacqui's dad and sister and then we played the Wii for a while. I think we got about 5 hours in on that system though the day. Easter Super was nice and relaxing and by 8 PM We were very tired.
So that was this Past week between Passion Sunday and Easter Sunday. Hey I actually remembered something form church. Amazing!